Student safeguarding

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Please note: Early sign-up is essential if you would like to host juniors. DBS checks can take us to 6 weeks to be processed.

Working with you to safeguard students

St Brelade’s College has a duty of care to children and young people attending the school and aims to ensure that staff, group leaders, accommodation providers and other suppliers help to keep them safe.

Our hosts are required to undergo the following background checks which will take place after they have put through their application.

References & background checks

It is essential that we screen potential hosts on behalf of the children’s families who live overseas. You can be assured that all information will be treated in the strictest confidence. These checks consist of:

  • Enhanced DBS check (only required if hosting juniors) – All members of your household aged 18 years must undergo an Enhanced DBS check (Disclosure & Barring Service). If you currently hold one, we can accept this as long as we are able to view the original certificate, it is within 3 months of date and/or it is registered on the update renewal service. If not, we will carry out a check for you free of charge*. You will then be obliged to register it on the update renewal service at a cost of £13 per year in order to keep your certificate valid. In certain circumstances, we reserve the right to carry out additional check with social services.
  • Character references – Two personal references are required per household, if hosting under 18 years and just one reference, if hosting 18 years or above. If you are already an existing host who is reapplying to host for the coming year, you are not required to redo these. Your character referees can be close friends, neighbours, employers or professionals (not relatives) who you have known for at least 12 months, who will support your application to provide suitable accommodation and supervision to an overseas student.

* St Brelade’s College will provide a DBS free of charge as long as you host for a minimum of 4 weeks in the year with us. If you host for under this length of time you will be required to pay back the DBS fee to the school (£50).

Safeguarding course

You’ll be required to complete a free short online safeguarding course if you choose to host juniors (this takes approximately 30 minutes). 

During your home visit, we will also provide you with more understanding of your role and responsibilities in relation to safeguarding children, answering any questions you may have.

You’ll be required to read and follow our school safeguarding policy. This provides guidance of what to do if you have a concern about a child’s wellbeing.

Host junior students in July


Provide your details and we will contact you with details of the FREE online course.

    Preferred course*

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