enfrdeites+44 1534 741305 info@stbreladescollege.co.uk
enfrdeites+44 1534 741305 info@stbreladescollege.co.uk

Privacy policy

How we protect your security online

This privacy policy sets out how St Brelade’s College uses and protects any information that you give St Brelade’s College when you use this website. St Brelade’s College is committed to ensuring that your privacy is protected. Should we ask you to provide certain information by which you can be identified when using this website, then you can be assured that it will only be used in accordance with this privacy statement. St Brelade’s College may change this policy from time to time by updating this page. You should check this page from time to time to ensure that you are happy with any changes. This policy is effective from the 25th May 2018.

What we collect

We may collect the following information:

  • Name and contact information including email address.
  • Demographic information such as postcode, preferences and interests.
  • Other information relevant to customer surveys and/or offers.

What we do with the information

We require this information to understand your needs and provide you with a better service, and in particular for the following reasons:

  • Internal record keeping.
  • We may use the information to improve our products and services.
  • We may periodically send promotional emails about new products, special offers or other information which we think you may find interesting using the email address which you have provided.


We are committed to ensuring that your information is secure. In order to prevent unauthorised access or disclosure we have put in place suitable physical, electronic and managerial procedures to safeguard and secure the information we collect online.

How we use cookies

A cookie is a small file which asks permission to be placed on your computer’s hard drive. Once you agree, the file is added and the cookie helps analyse web traffic or lets you know when you visit a particular site. Cookies allow web applications to respond to you as an individual. The web application can tailor its operations to your needs, likes and dislikes by gathering and remembering information about your preferences. We use traffic log cookies to identify which pages are being used. This helps us analyse data about webpage traffic and improve our website in order to tailor it to customer needs. We only use this information for statistical analysis purposes and then the data is removed from the system. Overall, cookies help us provide you with a better website, by enabling us to monitor which pages you find useful and which you do not. A cookie in no way gives us access to your computer or any information about you, other than the data you choose to share with us. You can choose to accept or decline cookies. Most web browsers automatically accept cookies, but you can usually modify your browser setting to decline cookies if you prefer. This may prevent you from taking full advantage of the website.

Links to other websites

Our website may contain links to other websites of interest. However, once you have used these links to leave our site, you should note that we do not have any control over that other website. Therefore, we cannot be responsible for the protection and privacy of any information which you provide whilst visiting such sites and such sites are not governed by this privacy statement. You should exercise caution and look at the privacy statement applicable to the website in question.

Controlling your personal information

You may choose to restrict the collection or use of your personal information in the following ways:

  • Whenever you fill in a form on the website, be aware of our newsletter subscription option and only select this if you would like to be contacted by us with information and offers in the future.
  • If you have previously agreed to us using your personal information for direct marketing purposes, you may change your mind at any time by contacting us.

We will not sell, distribute or lease your personal information to third parties unless we have your permission or are required by law to do so. We may use your personal information to send you promotional information about third parties which we think you may find interesting if you tell us that you wish this to happen. You may request details of personal information which we hold about you under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). If you would like a copy of the information held on you please contact us. If you believe that any information we are holding on you is incorrect or incomplete, please write to or email us as soon as possible. We will promptly correct any information found to be incorrect.

Documentación de viaje

Se exige pasaporte a todos los visitantes de Jersey. Asegúrate de que tu pasaporte tiene validez suficiente para cubrir tu viaje.

Los visitantes que lleguen a Jersey a través del Reino Unido necesitarán una Autorización Electrónica de Viaje (ETA) a partir de abril del 2025. Los visitantes que lleguen directamente a Jersey desde la UE, no necesitarán una ETA hasta finales del 2025.

Debes comprobar los requisitos de viaje con su agencia de viajes o compañía aérea u operador de ferry.

Términos y condiciones de pago

Una vez confirmado el curso tendrá que pagar el depósito de £200. Por lo menos 4 semanas antes del comienzo del curso deberá pagar el resto del precio del curso. St Brelade’s College se reserva el derecho de negarse a prestar servicios a los estudiantes si no se ha pagado la cuota del curso.


Aviso de más de 22 días: depósito de £200
Aviso de 8 a 21 días: 1 semana (matrícula y tarifas de alojamiento en casa de familia/residencia) + depósito de £200
Aviso de 1 a 7 días: Pago íntegro de la tasa (matrícula y tarifas de alojamiento en casa de familia/residencia)

Se aplican cargos de cancelación por separado al alojamiento privado. Por favor, consulte las condiciones individuales del hotel.

El reembolso del importe del curso se efectuará en libras esterlinas en la misma tarjeta o cuenta utilizada para efectuar el pago original. St Brelade's College no se hace responsable de las diferencias en el importe final recibido debidas a variaciones en el tipo de cambio subyacente.


Aconsejamos encarecidamente a los estudiantes que contraten un seguro en el momento de reservar el viaje. Esto debería garantizar la cobertura si el estudiante necesita cancelar el curso antes de la salida o durante su estancia debido a factores como enfermedad (por ejemplo, Covid-19), gastos médicos de urgencia, gastos de viaje y efectos personales, etc. Algunos proveedores de seguros ofrecen seguros especiales para estudiantes de cursos de idiomas.


Los estudiantes deben pagar al menos un 25% de depósito por adelantado y el resto al menos cuatro semanas antes de su llegada. En el caso de que la solicitud no sea aceptada, el depósito se devolverá menos un cargo administrativo de £100.

Documentazione di viaggio

Il passaporto è necessario per tutti i visitatori di Jersey. Dovresti assicurarti che al passaporto sia rimasta una validità sufficiente per coprire la durata del tuo viaggio.

I visitatori che raggiungono Jersey tramite il Regno Unito avranno bisogno di un’autorizzazione elettronica (ETA) a partire da aprile 2025. I visitatori che raggiungono Jersey direttamente dall’Unione Europea, non avranno bisogno di un’ETA prima della fine del 2025.

Dovresti verificare i requisiti di viaggio con il tuo agente di viaggio o con la compagnia aerea/l’operatore di traghetti.

Condizioni di pagamento

Una volta ricevuta la conferma del corso è richiesto il pagamento di un acconto di £200. Il saldo rimanente dovrà essere pagato almeno 4 settimane prima dell’inizio del corso. St Brelade’s College si riserva il diritto di non offrire i propri servizi agli studenti che non hanno saldato le rette del corso.


Preavviso di almeno 22 giorni: Deposito di £200
Preavviso di 8-21 giorni: 1 settimana (retta scolastica e retta per soggiorno presso privati/in residence) + deposito di £200
Preavviso di 1-7 giorni: Tassa intera da pagare (retta scolastica e retta per soggiorno presso privati/in residence)

Le cancellazioni presso strutture private sono soggette ad altre condizioni. Fare riferimento ai termini dell’hotel scelto.

I rimborsi delle rette dei corsi vengono erogati in GBP sulla stessa carta o lo stesso conto usati per effettuare il pagamento iniziale. Il St Brelade’s College declina ogni responsabilità in caso di differenza nell’importo finale ricevuto a causa di variazioni del tasso di cambio sottostante.


Si consiglia caldamente agli studenti di stipulare un’assicurazione al momento della prenotazione che copra le cancellazioni dell’ultimo minuto prima della partenza o durante il soggiorno dovute a fattori come malattie (ad es. Covid-19), spese mediche di emergenza, costi di viaggio ed effetti personali ecc. Un’assicurazione specifica per gli studenti dei corsi di lingue può essere acquistata da alcune società assicurative.


Gli studenti sono tenuti a pagare il 25% come deposito minimo anticipato e procedere al saldo almeno 4 settimane prima dell’arrivo. In caso di iscrizione non accettata il deposito viene restituito ridotto di £100 di tassa amministrativa.


The following people are NOT allowed to accommodate children:

  • Anyone who has had a child removed from his/her care by order of court.
  • Anyone who has been convicted of an offence against a child.
  • Anyone who has had an order made against him or her refusing or cancelling Registration under the Day Care of Children (Jersey) Law 2002 or the Children (Jersey) Law 1969.
  • Anyone who has been disqualified from acting as a foster parent.


This is only required if you are hosting juniors.

All members of your household aged 18 years or above undergoing an Enhanced DBS check (Disclosure & Barring Service). If you currently hold one, we can accept this as long as we are able to view the original certificate, it is within 3 months of date and/or it is registered on the update renewal service. If not, we will carry out a check for you free of charge*. You will then be obliged to register it on the update renewal service at a cost of £16 per year in order to keep your certificate valid. In certain circumstances, we reserve the right to carry out additional check with social services.

* St Brelade’s College will provide a DBS free of charge as long as you host for a minimum of 4 weeks in the year with us. If you host for under this length of time you will be required to pay back the DBS fee to the school (£50).


  • To notify the school of any changes to your circumstances.
  • To encourage the student to speak English as much as possible at home.
  • To encourage the student to feel at home and to integrate him/her as a member of the household rather than a paying guest.
  • To provide a clean and comfortable student room.
  • To provide a home environment in which it is possible for the student to carry on his/her English Studies.
  • To provide the student with a balanced and appropriate diet.
  • To show concern for the welfare, safety and security of the student during his/her stay.
  • To give the student reasonable and regular access to bathroom and laundry facilities.
  • To maintain a close liaison with us and so be in a position to help resolve any problems that the student may encounter during his/her stay.
  • To respect the student’s cultural background and be sensitive to the needs of the student.
  • To agree to be present overnight in the home when hosting students unless specially arranged with us.


Für alle Besucher auf Jersey ist ein Reisepass erforderlich. Überprüfen Sie, ob Ihr Reisepass noch für die Reisedauer gültig ist.

Besucher, die über Großbritannien nach Jersey kommen, benötigen ab April 2025 eine elektronische Reisegenehmigung (ETA). Besucher, die direkt aus der EU nach Jersey kommen benötigen bis Ende 2025 keine ETA.

Überprüfen Sie die Reisebedingungen mit Ihrem Reisebüro oder Ihrer Fluggesellschaft /dem Fährunternehmen.


Nach der Buchungsbestätigung ist eine Anzahlung in Höhe von 200£ zu leisten. Die restlichen Kursgebühren sind spätestens vier Wochen vor Kursbeginn zu entrichten. Das St Brelade‘s College behält sich das Recht vor, Schüler abzuweisen, wenn die Kursgebühren nicht bezahlt wurden.


Mehr als 22 Tage vor Reiseantritt: Anzahlung von 200£
8 - 21 Tage vor Reiseantritt: Kosten für eine Woche (Unterrichtsgebühr & Kosten für die Unterbringung in der Gastfamilie / Residenz) + 200£ Anzahlung
1 - 7 Tage vor Reiseantritt: Gebühr in voller Höhe zu zahlen (Unterrichtsgebühr & Kosten für die Unterbringung in der Gastfamilie / Residenz)

Für Privatunterkünfte fallen gesonderte Stornogebühren an. Bitte beachten Sie die individuellen Hotelbedingungen.

Die Rückerstattung der Kursgebühr erfolgt in GBP auf dieselbe Karte oder dasselbe Konto, die/das für die ursprüngliche Zahlung verwendet wurde. Das St Brelade's College übernimmt keine Verantwortung für eine Differenz des erhaltenen Endbetrags aufgrund von Änderungen des zugrunde liegenden Wechselkurses.


Wir empfehlen den Schülern dringend, bei Reisebuchung eine Versicherung abzuschließen. Sie sollte folgende Risiken abdecken: krankheitsbedingter (z. B. wegen Covid-19) Reiserücktritt des Schülers vor der Abreise oder Abbruch der Reise, die Unkosten einer medizinischen Behandlung, Rücktransport und den Verlust persönlicher Gegenstände. Bei einigen Anbietern kann eine Sonderversicherung für Sprachkursteilnehmer abgeschlossen werden.


Die Schüler müssen mindestens 25% als Anzahlung leisten und den Restbetrag bis mindestens vier Wochen vor ihrer Ankunft überweisen. Sollte das Konsulat kein Visum erteilen, die Buchung daher erfolglos sein, wird die Anzahlung minus 100£ Bearbeitungsgebühr rückerstattet.

Documents d’identité pour le voyage

Un passeport est requis pour tous les visiteurs de Jersey. Vous devez vous assurer que votre passeport sera valide durant la totalité de votre voyage.

Les visiteurs venant à Jersey via le Royaume-Uni auront besoin d’une Electronic Travel Authorisation/ETA (autorisation de voyage électronique) à partir d’avril 2025. Les visiteurs venant directement à Jersey depuis l’UE n’auront pas besoin d’ETA avant la fin de 2025.

Vous devez vérifier les conditions de voyage auprès de votre agent de voyage ou de votre compagnie aérienne/opérateur de ferry.

Conditions de paiement

Une fois que votre cours a été validé, vous aurez besoin d'effectuer un premier versement de 200£. Au moins 4 semaines avant le début du cours, vous devrez payer le montant restant. St Brelade’s College se réserve le droit de refuser de fournir les prestations (cours, logement, activités) à l’étudiant si les frais scolaire n’ont pas été réglés complètement.


Avis de 22 jours ou plus : 200£ d’acompte
8 - 21 jours de préavis : 1 semaine (frais de cours et famille d’accueil/résidence) + 200£ d’acompte
1 - 7 jours de préavis : Montant total des frais à payer (frais de cours et famille d’accueil/résidence)

Des frais d’annulations indépendants s’appliquent aux logements privés.

Les remboursements des frais des cours sont effectués en GBP sur la même carte ou le même compte que celui utilisé pour effectuer le paiement initial. St Brelade’s College décline toute responsabilité en cas de différence dans le montant final reçu en raison des variations du taux de change sous-jacent.


Nous conseillons vivement aux étudiants de souscrire une assurance au moment de la réservation du voyage. Cela devrait assurer une couverture dans le cas où l’étudiant doit annuler la formation avant le départ ou pendant son séjour en raison de facteurs tels que la maladie (par exemple, Covid-19), les frais médicaux d’urgence, les frais de voyage et les effets personnels, etc. Une assurance spéciale pour les séjours linguistiques peut être souscrite auprès de certaines compagnies d’assurance.


Les étudiants doivent payer en amont un acompte de 25%, puis le solde restant au moins 4 semaines avant l’arrivée. Dans l’éventualité où le dossier serait annulé, une partie de l’acompte serait remboursée, déduisant une somme 100£ de frais administratifs.

Travel documentation

A passport is required for all visitors to Jersey. You should ensure there is sufficient validity on your passport to cover your trip.

Visitors coming to Jersey via UK will need an Electronic Travel Authorisation (ETA) from April 2025. Visitors coming directly to Jersey from the E.U. will not need an ETA until late 2025.

You should check the travel requirements with your travel agent or airline / ferry operator.

Payment terms & conditions

Once your course has been confirmed you will need to pay a deposit of £200. At least 4 weeks before the course starts you will need to pay the remainder of the course fee. St Brelade’s College reserves the right to refuse to provide services to students if the course fees have not been paid.


22+ days notice: £200 deposit
8 – 21 days notice: 1 week (tuition & homestay/residence fees) + £200 deposit
1 – 7 days notice: Full fee payable (tuition & homestay/residence fees)

Separate cancellation fees apply to private accommodation. Please refer to the individual hotel terms.

Course fee refunds are made in £GBP to the same card or account used to make the original payment. St Brelade's College accepts no responsibility for any difference in the final amount received due to changes in the underlying exchange rate.


We strongly advise students to take out insurance at the time of booking the trip. This should ensure cover if the student needs to cancel the course before departure or during their stay due to factors such as illness (e.g. Covid-19), emergency medical expenses, travel costs and personal belongings etc. Special insurance for language course students can be purchased from some insurance providers.


Students must pay at least 25% deposit in advance and the balance at least 4 weeks before arrival. In the event that the application is unsuccessful the deposit is returned less a £100 administration fee.

Process for reporting a concern